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Operating System

The Operating System page is the home of all things Chrome OS: Updates, new features, device compatibility and even how to articles, allowing you to gain insight and become more versed in using the Chrome OS. We will also try to keep you informed in regards to threats that have been announced for Chrome, try to peek at future developments, while at the same time trying to find out what Google is planning next for our favorite OS. Thus, this is the home of the operating system, from the smallest of details to overarching overviews. So visit this section often if you’re looking to improve your OS know-how or simply to learn why Chrome OS is fast becoming one of the best OS environments, both for local but mostly for cloud computing.

Working offline on your Chromebook

Need to work offline on a Chromebook? Then read on... It’s been a while since the main question regarding the Chrome OS was whether or not you could get any work done in it offline. Truth is, the OS has matured, has been tweaked and is a…

Chromebook basics

If you want to know more on how to work on a Chromebook, here is a nice video from Google that explains the capabilities of Chromebooks. It was published a while ago, so the interface might have changed a bit, but hopefully this gives you a…

Chrome in 2013: What should we expect?

2012 has been a relatively good year for Google’s Chrome environment. They’ve managed to put on the market quite a few more interesting devices, the latest of which we’ve detailed extensively in our review, the Acer C7, bringing the price…

How to make Chromebook faster

The latest Chromebooks by Samsung and Acer (Sony too?) are a must have. These new lightweight and extremely portable PC’s are great to use. They are equipped with the latest built in security, which eliminates the need of anti-virus…